Volunteer Corps

Submitted by cdradmin on Mon, 03/08/2021

Corps members live in an intentional community with our One-Year volunteers and serve full-time in one of our programs serving children and their families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities. Minimum three-week commitment.

Summer Camp

Submitted by cdradmin on Mon, 03/08/2021

We need counselors, lifeguards, medical personnel, arts & crafts instructors, and more to make our Summer Camp Program possible for our campers. Minimum one-week commitment for medical personnel, three weeks for all other positions.

Cooks and Kitchen

Submitted by cdradmin on Mon, 03/08/2021

Cooks and kitchen helpers are needed to volunteer for a week or more March-October. Volunteers participate in our alternative spring break, Mission Groups, and Summer Camp programs providing home cooked meals to those serving on worksites. 

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Prayer Requests

Our faith calls us and sustains us— that's why Christian Appalachian Project gathers for chapel each day. If you or a loved one are in need of prayers, please let us know and we will lift up your request.


Every Penny Counts

88.5% of donations go directly to families in need.