John and Isabella

Submitted by sbrownrobie on Wed, 06/14/2023

Serving together with his family at CAP was John Oliva’s dream after being inspired by another family of volunteers years ago. “Very early on in my experience, my daughter, who might have been 6 years old at the time, did not have a great appreciation of what was going on. She just knew that once a year dad disappeared for a week and said he was going to help people in Kentucky,” John said. “Now this is my family’s third time serving at CAP together and it feels like it's come full circle.” 

Although she may not have understood why her dad was serving in Kentucky when she was younger, Isabella has followed in his footsteps and has a passion for serving people in Appalachia.  

“At home I’m focused on all of my schoolwork and then I get here, and I see the world outside of that,” Isabella said. “I love doing the work here and learning new skills. I hope the participant is surprised with her new ramp. I want to provide her with some sort of peace. I know that was a constant worry in her life. I want to keep coming back to CAP.” 

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